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Welcome to Mama Tries

Classic Underachiever Who Lives Life With Her Heart Hanging Out 

She's About As Real As It Gets 

She's doing the best she can. Laughs a lot. Cries easily. Overthinks things. Unapologetically rides this emotional rollercoaster called Life with her hands in the air and her head thrown back, shrieking at the thrill of it all.

She is who she is. 

Bless her heart. She tries. 

Home: Welcome

I Said It and I Meant It

I'm not EVEN gonna say a word about how long it has been since I wrote anything. That is all. So. Remember when I first started writing...

Changes In Attitude

I love the beach. Any beach. Anywhere. Plop me in the sand by the water and let it be. Highly sensitive people like me seem to derive...

Everybody Dance Now

Gosh it has been a minute since I have written anything. I don't even know why. Maybe I haven't had anything to say (don't laugh),...

57 Shades of Play

I know. I know. It has been a minute. But let's move on, shall we? What have y'all been doing? Spring cleaning? Vaccinating? Masking?...

Back in the Saddle?

So, let's check in. I've been working really hard on my journey towards becoming the best version of myself lately. I'm actually making...

Another Round

So I've been shopping for a new pontoon boat lately. First of all, I need to know something. WHERE IS EVERYONE GETTING ALL THIS MONEY????...

Just Desserts

Kale. Discuss. Have y'all had it? Do you like it? Like, REALLY like it? Or do you pretend to like it because it's cool to like it? ...

All Out

This morning at 6:00 am I completed my 400th class at Orangetheory Fitness. I'm proud of that. All my life I have struggled with weight...


Well, Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! The day of L-O-V-E. When we celebrate with our loved ones and spend a gazillion dollars on...

Making the Impossible Possible

I don't know why I do these goofy videos. I look ridiculous. But they're fun to make. My video skills suck and Cousin Kirk from...

Liquid Sunshine

So the winter months can be sort of dreary, can't they? I mean even in the South where the weather is warmer and spring kinda starts...

The McRib Challenge

I like food. A lot. And, sadly, this means I struggle with my weight. I mean I have struggled with my weight all my life. I like to...

Steel Magnolia

I want y'all to meet my Mother. I call her Mama. Her name is Peggy. No, her real name is not Margaret, and Peggy is not a nickname. She...

New Year, Same Ol' Me?

Happy New Year, everyone! Dang, 2020! What a gut punch you were! I am SO over you. Sadly, I don't think you're quite over us though. ...

Christmas Gifts

Ah, the holidays. The most wonderful time of the year. Is it? This time of year is always so crazy for people! Well, most people. I...

Fa La Freaking La

Y'all. I'm not doing a very good job of getting this blog off the ground am I? How in the world do I expect ANYONE to like this site if...

I Went Away

Welp. I didn't exactly set the keyboard a'blazin with my entries, did I? As is with most anything in my life, I set out with good...

Well, Here I Am Again

Hello everyone. In an attempt at full disclosure, I guess the first thing I need to say to you today is that I am currently nursing the...

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