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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

57 Shades of Play

Updated: May 26, 2021

I know. I know. It has been a minute. But let's move on, shall we?

What have y'all been doing? Spring cleaning? Vaccinating? Masking? Vacationing? Distancing? Gardening? I don't know about y'all but this spring is going well for me. I got the FEVER! Loving being outside and soaking up sunshine while it's not 96 degrees in the shade yet. I need to be outside soaking up sunshine - my legs are a lovely shade of whiter-than-pale. Pasty. Ugh.

BTW, raise your hand if you know the song 96 Degrees in the Shade. It's a reggae number. A total vibe. 🎶🎶 96 degrees in the shaa-aa-ade.🎶🎶 Makes me think of Jamaica. I love Jamaica. I love the beach. Any beach. I love the island life. Irie, mon.

In fact, by Jamaica standards I am considered a Jamerican. Do y'all know about being a Jamerican? I think it's when you have visited Jamaica at least 5 times - then you are a Jamerican. Of course, we know it's not a for-real thing so don't go Googling it and sending me snarky emails. Don't be throwing shade on us Jamericans. It's just for fun. Let's have some fun. Everyone should have more fun.

Matter of fact, I think plenty of folks don't have nearly enough fun. We work all the time. We're so busy. We glorify busy-ness and humble brag about how many hours we work in a week. You know what they say - all work and no play makes...something, something, something...oh, you know the thing. Bottom line is working too much makes us cranky.

I hereby declare that this summer I will play more. For me, it's not so much that I work too hard. Of course I work hard - just not too hard. It's that I spend too much time doing nothing. Not work, not play, just nothing. I don't need to do nothing. I need to do something. I don't want to work any harder, so I shall play harder. What do y'all do for play? Give me some suggestions. And keep 'em clean, okay? Sports? Bar hopping? Music? Travel? Have friends over? I need a lot of play ideas. At 57 years old, I am not too old to play. I feel like I have some steam left in the engine. Some pep in the step. Let's get to playin'!

I'm off to a good start. I have enjoyed this spring season and am already playing a little bit more.

What have I been doing you may ask?

Well, not that it's necessarily considered playing, but the most significant event this spring has been my son getting married a couple of months ago. It was fabulous! I just adore his sweet bride, and the occasion was so thoughtful and joyous. Sincere. Heartfelt. Emotional. Lots of tears of joy. FESTIVE. Hooo boy, it was a party! I think it has taken me this long to recover! 57 years old is a far cry from 25 years old. We don't bounce back like we used to, do we? Lawd.

And I've spent a little time at the tricked-out-double-wide over on the lake. I live my best life over there. Being on the water is my jam! We do play hard at the lake! Even when it is 96 degrees in the shade. And it will be before too much longer. I’ve seen the weather forecast.

Also, a good friend has started inviting me over for wine at noon on Sundays after church. Not a full-on day drinking session, just a splash or two. It's glorious. I love the idea of wine at noon on Sundays. I know it's the Lord's day, y'all. But I am convinced that the good Lord means for us to play whenever we can fit it in. Even on Sunday. If He didn't mean for us to play on Sundays we wouldn't have the expression Sunday Funday. I feel certain about this.

I went on a little weekend getaway to the most darling little retro beach motel in Florida. My daughter went with me. We had a blast. All play and no work. Soaking up sun in the sand, sipping on suds, and snoozing in the shade of a swaying palm tree. My kinda party.

Are y'all wondering if I'm dating anyone? No, I am not. I don't want to. People are weird. People are shady. They're sketchy. They play games. They don't play nice. I will no longer fool with nonsense and games and people who seem to have misplaced their hearts. I ain't playin'. I'm kinda satisfied with the way things are.

Yes. Kinda satisfied.

Got it made in the shade.

Come out and play, y'all.

We don't stop playing because we grow old;

we grow old because we stop playing

-George Bernard Shaw

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