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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

Christmas Gifts

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Ah, the holidays. The most wonderful time of the year. Is it? This time of year is always so crazy for people! Well, most people. I always marvel with envy at the folks who remain calm and grounded during the week leading up to Christmas. I do try to pause to reflect on the true meaning of the season and the gift of my Lord and Savior - the Christ child. I admit I do most of my pausing at night just as I turn the lights off and settle down for sleep. And sometimes a good Christmas carol will make me stop in my tracks and get quiet for a few minutes. Oh Holy Night is my favorite. But, if I'm being honest, I get caught up in the hustle and bustle EVERY YEAR. I tell myself I'm gonna plan ahead - buy and wrap all the presents early, plan menus and bake and freeze and PREPARE so I can relax and enjoy the Reason for the Season.


Plus, 32 years ago I had my first baby the week before Christmas, so every year for one day I cast aside all things Christmas and celebrate my daughter's birthday. She has NEVER gotten a joint Christmas/Birthday present from me and I don't recall ever wrapping her birthday presents in Christmas wrapping paper. I would wrap them in newspaper or paper towels before putting them in Santa Claus paper! It's just the point of it all. Recently, I was invited to my daughter and son-in-law's house in Atlanta for her birthday party. After a 3 hour drive to Atlanta that should have taken 1 hour and 20 minutes, I wasn't out of my car good before I was huntin' a cocktail. Lord have mercy, the TRAFFIC was horrific. I tried to be cool and calm during the ride. The Bass Whisperer informed me that my impatience in traffic was a factor in him deciding to leave me. Ouch. I think I did a good job this time and only got exasperated at the person in front of me 7 times. PEOPLE, PUT YOUR FOOT ON THE GAS AND KEEP UP WITH THE FLOW!!!! That is all. More than 3 cars need to make it through the light at one time. Am I wrong on this, y'all? Let me add, I never honked the horn. But I may or may not have flashed my headlights a time or two. It is what it is.

I digress.

The party was lovely. Their new home is lovely. Her friends are lovely. She is lovely. She is a gift.

I am so proud of her and it's just so easy to celebrate her. She's humble, gracious, intelligent, multi-dimensional, generous, accepting, etc. etc. etc. Her friend group is so interesting and fun! I was thrilled to be included, and the 3 hour ride from hell was well worth it at the end of the day.

Christmas babies are special. They make you want to take time out from the holiday madness to celebrate their birth. I have no problem putting the Christmas chaos on hold to celebrate her birth every single year. So why can't I put the Christmas chaos aside to celebrate His birth every single year? I need to better focus on the Reason for the Season. I want to do better. From now on, I commit to having no problem putting the Christmas chaos on hold to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

For unto us a child is born. The chaos isn't necessary. We all already have received the greatest gift of all.

Happy Birthday, Jesus.

Mama Tries

The magic of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence.

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