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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

Fa La Freaking La

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Y'all. I'm not doing a very good job of getting this blog off the ground am I? How in the world do I expect ANYONE to like this site if I don't put anything on it? Sheesh. I promise to do better - after the first of the year. LOL isn't that like everything in life? We'll do it tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. I am the Queen of I'll Do It Later. What did Scarlett O'Hara say? "I'll think about that tomorrow". Same, Miss Scarlett, same.

It's the holidays and I still have a leeetle bit of a broken heart, but I'm A LOT better. I've been laser-focused on getting better and am being very proactive in my efforts. Good therapist, effective meds, great friends, loving family, and an enhanced relationship with God. It's working! I almost feel normal and am actually in the Christmas spirit! I think it has something to do with my friendship with Jesus.

That being said, the holidays are sometimes a yucky time of year for some people. People who are alone or broken-hearted (divorce, death of a loved one, family estrangement, being dumped, far away from loved ones, etc.) often dread the holidays and sink into a depressive state during that time. If you happen to know someone who might be feeling low or if YOU are feeling low, REACH OUT! Call, text, email, send a letter, anything! Y'all, we need each other. This year has sucked!!! And I bet you'll feel better once you connect.

This year I won't be going to the usual holiday parties and enjoying the usual holiday happy hours that I so enjoyed with The Bass Whisperer. I'm alone now. It's quieter. It's loneliness and freedom at the same time if that makes sense. I make sure my Christmas lights are already on when I get home from work so I'll feel welcome when I walk in the door. I play music. I watch those silly Hallmark movies. I read. I pray.

I sit in the quiet.

I sit in the pain.

I sit in the sorrow.

I sit in the discomfort.

I sit.

Then I stand back up and keep going. Like a boss.

Mama Tries

"You are never as alone as you feel at times. We carry with us the love of those that can't be with us, the hope of what can be, and the connection to something bigger than we can image." - An Inspired Approach

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