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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

I Said It and I Meant It

I'm not EVEN gonna say a word about how long it has been since I wrote anything. That is all.


Remember when I first started writing this I said that I was embarking on a journey towards becoming the best possible version of myself? *See All Out from Feb. 17* And I wanted to take y'all with me? Well, thanks for riding along while I have stopped, started, sputtered, gone the wrong way, turned around, backtracked, broken down, and everything else that happens when one embarks on the trip of a lifetime. And man what a trip this is!!!

Do tell, you say. Okay I will. The short version is this: I moved! Not across town. I moved OUT OF TOWN. To the GA coast. Savannah. Beautiful, charming, historic Savannah. I'm here! FINALLY! I'm living in the Historic Landmark District and working for a super cool organization. Or is it the Landmark Historic District? Or Historic District? Or just downtown? I guess I have no idea where I live. Kinda don't care. (I'm all out of give-a-damns, remember?)


I'm having a BLAST! I don't know anyone yet but that's okay. Over the years I have become quite content with my own company and now is no exception. My sweet daughter lives less than a mile from me and, of course, it is tempting to latch onto her right now but I refuse to do so. Truth be told, I don't really want to latch onto her. She's busy and has her own life. She's young. Her friends are young. They say cuss words that if I had uttered even under my breath my Mama would have cut my tongue out. Okay I exaggerate but you get my drift. Suffice it to say, Pegnolia would have been most displeased with me. What in the world is going on with these words they utter? Plus, they do shots. And I'm not talking 'bout THE SHOT. THE JAB. I'm talking about liquor shots in the bar. What's the point even? To get hammered? Maybe. I think they do get hammered. Why? I don't know and I'm POSITIVE my child doesn't cuss or get hammered (yeah right), but that's one reason why I don't want to latch on. Young people these days...tsk, tsk. Girls going braless and showing their butt cheeks? Wearing those god-awful white majorette boots? Lord have mercy, what are we gonna do? I sound like my Grandmother. I love young adults though.

But Mama ain't doin' shots. Although I did get THE SHOT, so don't come at me on that.

I do me.

You do you.


Let's go.

Anyway, I moved to Savannah. Got a job, sold my house, packed up, and hauled ass.

I said I was going to make changes in my life.

I meant it.

More to follow.

Mama Tries

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