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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

Liquid Sunshine

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

So the winter months can be sort of dreary, can't they? I mean even in the South where the weather is warmer and spring kinda starts rustling around a little earlier, the weeks in January and February can be yucky. It rains a lot. But we don't get the thrill of snowfall. We get cold, wet rainy days. It's depressing. Bourbon doesn't even help.

I love bourbon.

Let me preface this by saying that I am strictly a social drinker - I do not drink alone. I live alone, so that means I don't drink every day. When I'm home by myself I really don't think about it that much. It doesn't occur to me to pour myself a drink or pop open a beer when I get home from work. Sometimes a month will go by and I realize I haven't had a drink.

But I do love bourbon.

Remember when we first started drinking bourbon when we were young? Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Evan Williams? Bourbon and Coke. Bourbon and Sprite. Bourbon and Ginger Ale if we were feeling mature. I remember back in the early 80's we could put a fifth of bourbon in our pocketbooks and walk right into a UGA football game without even a glance from the ticket person. Everyone did it. Then one day some bonehead became temporarily insane and thought it would be a good idea to chunk an empty bottle of Evan over the top level railing in the stadium. Naturally, it hit someone on the lower level, so that ended the fifth-in-the-pocketbook era for good. After that, boys would try to put pint bottles in their socks, but it was really an unstable setup and the guys had to walk funny in order to keep the bottle from falling out of the sock. And lots of the fraternity boys didn't wear socks at all so it was not ideal. The ticket people caught on to it pretty quickly anyway. Then everyone took to filling plastic ziplock bags with bourbon and stashing them in bras, pants, sleeves, etc. This method carried extra risk. You had to make good and dadgum sure you had that ziplock closed all the way, that's for real. I graduated while that was still a thing. I don't know what they do now. I wish they would sell beer at the concession stand. I really think it would be fine. Some schools do it I think. Plus, it's so dadgum hot at the beginning of the season - beer is necessary. Amirite? I know I am.

Back to my love for bourbon.

I don't drink bourbon and Coke anymore. I don't even drink bourbon and ginger ale anymore unless I'm feeling like a light weight. It is good sometimes though, and I add a piece of lime to mine. 98% of the time, I like my bourbon straight with a little bit of ice. And not Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, or Evan Williams either. I'm talking decent bourbon. Sipping whiskey. Woodford Reserve. The WR Double Oaked if I'm treating myself. Blanton's if I ever get lucky enough to find it. The search for the elusive Blanton's takes me far off interstate exits down back roads to remote liquor stores. I like the challenge. I don't succeed very often, but it's the thrill of the chase. The truth is, not many women take their bourbon straight. In fact, I can be sort of a conversation piece at times. I don't know if it makes me less of a lady or a total bad ass. TBH, I don't care. What I do know is I'm a grown-ass woman (sorry, Mama) and I'll take my liquor the way I want it. Straight, one ice cube, double old-fashioned rocks glass, pinkie up. Like a lady drinking a cup of tea. *wink

I used to have a bourbon drinking buddy. I miss him. But my bourbon supply lasts longer these days, so that's something. Yes, it's cold and dreary right now. I intend to make myself warm until the sunny spring comes along again.

Maybe bourbon does help.

Even when I'm alone.

That's something.

I would rather be someone's shot of bourbon than everyone's cup of tea.
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