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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries

Making the Impossible Possible

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

I don't know why I do these goofy videos. I look ridiculous. But they're fun to make. My video skills suck and Cousin Kirk from Kentucky sent me a note containing a few gentle suggestions. I'm grateful for his input. It seems I need a tripod for my iPhone camera instead of attaching it to a picture frame with a rubber band and propping it up on a milk crate. I ordered one. We'll see if that helps.

A couple of weeks ago I tried the Impossible Whopper from Burger King. Have y'all heard of it? It's like a Whopper but it's not meat. It's plants disguised as meat. I had heard some buzz about it a while back but never got over to the BK to get one.

So one day after work recently I cruised through the BK drive-thru and got me one. Correction - I most certainly did not "cruise" through the drive-thru. Y'all. How hard can it be? Let me say, I've never worked in a fast food restaurant so I am speaking from a point of ignorance about it. I'm sure it's harder than it looks. But I swear, the drive-thru at my BK is A-W-F-U-L. The line is long. The speaker is scratchy and hard to hear. And then once I get to the pick up window they almost always make me "pull up and somebody will bring it out".

I see what you did there. Oldest trick in the book, ma'am.

You want me to pull away from the window so the timer will reflect that you got my food to me in a speedy fashion. FAKE NEWS. Y'all know what I'm talking about don't you? It's happened to you too. Nobody is falling for this trick anymore. And who else has "pulled up" only to be forgotten and then have to go park your car, get out, and go inside to gather your value meal? This chick most certainly has.

Speaking of chicks, all these fast food folks need to go to the Chick-Fil-A School of Drive-Thru Windows. Those people don't play! Although, is it even possible for the BK drive-thru to even come close to being as good as the Chick-Fil-A? It could really be impossible.

Anyway, I finally got my Impossible Whopper and I hope you'll watch the video to see what I think. Maybe I'll get something from the Chick for my next review.

Hope you enjoy the video. It was My Pleasure :-)

It always seems impossible until it's done - Nelson Mandela

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