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  • Writer's pictureMama Tries


Updated: Feb 22, 2021

Well, Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! The day of L-O-V-E. When we celebrate with our loved ones and spend a gazillion dollars on dinner, flowers, chocolate, cards, gifts, etc. I'm here for it. I love getting flowers anytime and most girls do, but any girl will tell you the best of the best is when she gets flowers delivered to her at work. THE BEST! It's like everyone knows that someone loves her without her having to actually tell everyone that someone loves her. Fellas, any time is a good time to send your lady flowers to her office. Not just Valentine's Day. She will be the envy of the department and YOU will be a rock star. Trust me on this.

When I was a little girl, Valentine's Day was my favorite holiday. I'm not exactly sure why, but it was. I liked to take my little valentines to school to distribute in the decorated valentines boxes that my classmates made out of shoeboxes. Remember those? And we always got to have a little party with cupcakes or cookies or something special that the Room Mother brought.

But the best part about Valentine's Day was how my Mama, The Infamous Pegnolia, made it so festive for my sister, my brother, and me. In the morning at our 7:30 am family breakfast, she would have cards and a special breakfast waiting for each of us at our place at the table. Then when we got home from school that afternoon, she would have our cards standing up on the kitchen table along with chocolates and ALWAYS a red velvet cake. Balloons and crepe paper would complete the decorations. We would have a little party - just Mama and us kids. Daddy was at work. Everything was shades of red and pink and happy. We loved it. And we loved her for it. Isn't it amazing what memories we carry with us into adulthood? She probably had no idea those little valentine's parties would make such a lasting impression on me. She knows now though.

Later in life, I didn't love Valentine's Day as much. Again, I'm not exactly sure why. Disappointment? Jaded? Exhausted? I tried to make it a fun day for my kids like Mama did for us, but it was hard because 2 of the kids have birthdays the week of Valentines. We had celebrated enough and we certainly didn't need more cake! I tried.

As a single adult, now I seem to dread VD. There have been years when I've had significant others and was disappointed that they didn't get me a card or flowers or anything. And, I admit, I probably pouted. I wish I hadn't. If I ever have another significant other at Valentine's Day I will express that it is important to me that we celebrate somehow even if it's in a very small way. I will not sit back and wait for him to initiate it. I realize I made that mistake in the past. Not again. I'm wiser.

But since I currently don't have a significant other, VD is my day to celebrate any way I want to. Or not. Many single people laugh and giggle and wish each other Happy Singles Awareness Day (SAD). Lots of ladies celebrate Galentine's Day on Feb. 13th. I like that. I really just think it's a great day to express love for mankind. It doesn't have to be romantic love does it? It can be friend love, family love, etc. How 'bout self love? YES.

So that's how I have celebrated VD today. I have shown myself love.

I put some special chocolate caramel cream in my coffee in a mug with hearts on it.

I cooked food I love and let myself lick the beaters of the red velvet cupcakes I made (I've been on the low carb plan lately).

I bought myself flowers.

I wore a funny t-shirt that I love.

I wore bright red lipstick.

I made my house warm and cozy.

I gifted myself with affirmations of self-worth and value written in red lipstick on my bathroom mirror.

I made a cute social media graphic and posted a Happy VD wish to my friends.

I sent my kids and one special friend a Venmo treat.

I texted a Happy SAD message to Mama and my single friends.

I drank champagne before noon.

I assembled and tried out my new tripod and light ring I bought myself.

I watched church online and took notes.

I laughed.

I prayed.

I sang.

I haven't cried - yet (the day's not quite over, but I"m feeling optimistic). *Update - I didn't cry*

It has been a good day.

I have struggled with sadness a little bit this week and was really dreading VD. But I made it a special SAD for myself. SAD doesn't have to be sad.

For me, VD=SAD.

Not sad.

I love that.

May you feel loved, respected, appreciated, and cared for today and every day. But, most of all, love yourself. Happy Valentine's Day to YOU!

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